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                [share] Haikou announced six measures to curb the rise of house prices

                Haikou housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau announced on the evening of the 19th that the city has firmly compacted the main responsibility of local government regulation through six measu...

                [share] 26 construction enterprises listed in 2018 Fortune 500 China!

                Fortune Chinese released the 2018 Fortune 500 list on the evening of July 10. It is reported that the coverage of the ranking list is "listed in China and abroad".......

                [share] first class constructor PK fire engineer, what would you choose?

                Many candidates participating in the fire engineer examination are engaged in relevant work in the construction industry. They should be familiar with class I constructors. In the past two years, ....

                [share] the cost per kilometer is 600 million yuan, and Jiashao bridge can be called a hundred yuan

                There are no more than three cable-stayed bridges, and Jiashao bridge is the first six tower cable-stayed bridge. Moreover, without the use of cooling water pipes, Jiashao Bridge....

                [share] it can avoid rework, and the speed of the project can be increased by 15% after Chengdu Metr

                When taking the subway, there are always some areas that passengers can't get in and see. Do you know what's there? Yesterday, the reporter visited Yongquan station of the West extension line of .....

                [share] how to train from a construction worker to a project leader? That's great!

                1. A comprehensive technician should be able to do engineering data, understand engineering budget, prepare construction scheme and technical disclosure to guide team construction, and analyze and....