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                [share] how to train from a construction worker to a project leader? That's great!

                2018-08-21 14:57


                Be a comprehensive technician

                He shall be able to make project data, understand project budget, prepare construction scheme and technical disclosure to guide team construction, analyze and solve problems in case of quality accidents, and be good at coordinating with Party A and supervisor to deal with project site problems.


                See more

                It is to see how the construction personnel construct, understand the construction technology and methods, be familiar with the professional standard atlas and the current national specifications, and go to the reference room to read the construction scheme written by others.


                Ask more

                When you encounter a problem or problem you don't understand, you should ask others. Team members, professional engineers or others can. As long as you can solve the problem, don't be embarrassed and ashamed to speak.


                Do more

                It doesn't mean that you should follow the team to do hard work every day, such as screwing screws, carrying heavy objects, etc., but should be targeted. You should participate in or even take the lead in the construction process with high technical content or you don't understand. Don't be afraid of hardship, fatigue and dirt. Because more hands-on can not only improve their own skills, accumulate more experience, but also more firmly grasp some theoretical knowledge. For example, you should actively participate in various equipment adjustment tests and equipment commissioning, so that you can find and solve many problems. In this way, your professional level will be unconsciously improved, and you can also understand other knowledge related to your major.


                Think more

                For each construction, you can't copy everything from the book or move it from others without thinking. You should think more about why you want to construct like this. Can't you do that? Don't underestimate those on-site construction personnel. When you ask him why he works like this, maybe he doesn't know, maybe he will say "others do like this".

                Indeed, their skills are handed down from the masters of the previous generation, which is the accumulation of on-site experience of many generations (of course, there are unreasonable construction), so you should try to think hard, find out the rationality and scientificity of their construction from the norms, standard atlas and theoretical knowledge, combine theory with practice, and turn the things in books into your own. At the same time, we should also consider whether this construction method has shortcomings. If so, we should find ways to improve and have innovative ideas.


                Expand your knowledge

                Engineering construction is a work requiring a wide range of knowledge. In addition to mastering the professional knowledge, you also need to understand various knowledge related to the specialty, such as budget cost, so as to make your knowledge and ability more comprehensive, expand your personal management level, and lay a solid foundation for becoming a project manager or management cadre in the future.


                Develop the habit of being serious, rigorous, bold and careful

                The work done by technicians is particularly rigorous, and a slight error will lead to great disaster. It is the so-called "a millimetre of difference, a thousand miles of fallacy". Only by being careful can we reduce mistakes. We should carefully check our work and try to avoid mistakes. The construction log should be written every day, and the project data should follow up the construction progress. Don't develop the bad habit of delaying and defaulting.


                Timely summary

                Everyone's work experience is from scratch, so we should summarize the experience in time, write down what we have learned and experience in time, and communicate and discuss with others.

                In the future, most of the excellent construction project management personnel will come from the front line of construction and have been honed by various professional and technical work (from internal to external). Whether in large construction units or small construction units, the project leader needs to have the basic ability of engineering drawing, computer application, use of main testing and test instruments, and the preliminary ability of comprehensively applying various means (including foreign language tools) to query data and obtain information. The professional knowledge involved includes project management, project survey, project data sorting, project cost budget and final account bidding, etc. only compound talents with comprehensive ability, sufficient understanding of technology, management, good operation and proficient in business can be competent for the work of the project leader.