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                [share] it can avoid rework, and the speed of the project can be increased by 15% after Chengdu Metr

                2018-08-21 14:57

                When taking the subway, there are always some areas that passengers can't get in and see. Do you know what's there? Yesterday, at Yongquan station of the West extension line of Metro Line 4, the reporter visited the first model station of line 4 phase II that adopted the management strategy of "technology first and model guidance". He not only visited line 4 phase II in advance, but also saw those places that he could not see for the first time. With the full implementation of a series of standardized, standardized and refined construction management means, the "upgraded" subway stations with "both face and lining" are being completed one by one.

                Rework can be avoided by using BIM Technology

                At Yongquan station of phase II of Metro Line 4, the staff of metro company showed the reporter the whole process of BIM Technology Application in metro construction by playing video. The model of the subway station is presented on the screen. According to the staff of the subway company, after the BIM modeling is completed, a series of operations such as rotation and amplification can be carried out. Click at a certain place of the model to pop up the information of various materials used“ Just input the specifications, service time and other data of various materials used in the construction process into the program, and the computer can automatically generate a model. " The staff member said that although it looks very complex, it is very convenient to use. You can personally view every detail of the construction of the post subway station project (infrastructure installation, water and electricity, PSD, decoration, etc.).

                "This one is water and that one is electricity. If these lines are crossed on the traditional plane construction drawing, they have to be combed a little during construction. But after using BIM, because of the three-dimensional model, I can adjust their positions in advance, which largely avoids rework. " The staff member said that there are more than 30 types of vertical and horizontal pipelines in each station of Chengdu Metro, covering more than 10 disciplines, and the total length of the pipeline is about 10000 meters. At present, the Yongquan station of Metro Line 4 phase II under construction uses BIM Technology, which not only avoids rework, but also speeds up the construction period by 15%.

                Establish standards for "technology first and model guidance"

                If BIM Technology Application Management provides detailed construction parameters for engineering construction, the strategy of "technology first and model leading" is to establish technical standards and process standards for engineering construction.

                Metro Corporation is committed to "standardization" construction, and strives to unify the line network construction management mode, construction technical requirements, construction process standards and commissioning acceptance standards through "standardization" management during the implementation of the project after the subway station. Therefore, the strategy of "technology first and model leading" provides a good model for the establishment of this "standard".

                According to the staff of the metro company, Yongquan station has completed the acceptance of masonry project model and comprehensive pipeline model as the model of the whole line in the early stage. The above two samples cover various construction contents such as material selection, main material processing, assembly and installation, embedded reservation and signs. Through the acceptance of the samples, various technical requirements and process standards within the scope of the sample project have been unified and popularized throughout the whole line.

                It is understood that the post station project of phase II of line 4 will be followed by covered entrance and exit model, uncovered entrance and exit model, common area model of public area, personalized area model of public area, air conditioning room model, weak current room model, etc. the Metro Company will continue to adhere to the strategy of "technology first and model guidance" and do a good job in advance, during and after management in the management process of each model project, Further popularize the "standardized" management.

                News extension

                What is BIM Technology Application Management?

                The application management of BIM Technology (building information modeling) is mainly to collect various data (including construction drawings, field measurement data, equipment selection size, material selection size, etc.) and draw them on a unified 3D platform for analyzing and judging the mutual position relationship of various pipelines and equipment, It can visually preview the pipeline effect after field installation. At the same time, the pipeline and equipment data can be retrieved at any time in the BIM system to achieve one-to-one correspondence between the on-site data and the system background, which greatly improves the efficiency of operation and maintenance management after the subway is put into operation.

                At present, Metro Corporation has established a BIM deepening design management team in each post station project bid section of phase II of line 4 to organize and manage the BIM deepening design of each bid section. Since the BIM deepening design of Yongquan station began in early November 2015, the overall BIM modeling of the station was completed at the end of November 2015, the first draft of BIM deepening design results of comprehensive pipeline, wall masonry and embedding of equipment area and special equipment room of the station was completed in January 2016, and the review was completed in January 2016, which met the conditions for guiding the construction.