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                [share] first class constructor PK fire engineer, what would you choose?

                2018-08-23 14:16

                Many candidates participating in the fire engineer examination are engaged in relevant work in the construction industry. They should be familiar with class I constructors. In the past two years, the fire engineer test has become a popular qualification test after the first-class constructor test. Many candidates who test fire engineers ask: what is the difference between the first-class fire engineer test and the first-class constructor test? Which is the better prospect? Today, I will lead you to have an in-depth understanding of fire engineers from the aspects of passing rate and gold content of certificates.

                First, the pass rate of the exam

                No matter which exam, even if it is simple, some people will fail. So candidates will always pay attention to the passing rate of the exam?

                Fire engineer is a new examination introduced in recent two years. According to the statistics of some training institutions, the number of candidates for the first-class registered fire engineer examination in 2015 and 2016 was about 580000 and 500000 respectively, and the actual reference number was about 300000-350000. The number of people who passed the general course was more than 3400 and 9400 respectively, with the passing rates of 0.92% and 2.59% respectively.

                The examination for constructors began as early as 2004. According to statistics, there were about 1.18 million candidates for class I constructors last year, about 1.3 million the year before last, with an average passing rate of 6.51% the year before last; According to the query on Zhejiang personnel examination website, in 2016, there were 260 first-class registered Fire Engineers and 3928 first-class constructors in Zhejiang Province.

                Now everyone has a number in mind. How many people will compete with you in each exam?

                Secondly, the gold content of the certificate

                In addition to the passing rate, another important question is how high is the gold content of the certificate after passing the exam? What is the prospect of this industry?

                1. The gold content of an examination must be related to the examination proposition and difficulty. In fact, many people who have passed the first-class constructor and second-class constructor examinations do not have rich on-site experience. Many of the builder's questions are the original words in the book. After more than ten years of examination, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development also began to find that many non industry personnel hold such an important registration certificate as a constructor, which is a strange phenomenon rarely seen in other registration certificates. Therefore, the laws and regulations of 2014 and the economy of 2015 have made a lot of strange questions that have not been seen, which makes candidates angry and hate.

                As for the fire engineer examination, based on the experience of these two years, it is absolutely impossible to infiltrate with on-site knowledge and rely on endorsement alone. If you only make soy sauce on site and go through the process, you can't do it without practical operation. The fire engineer's test questions have high specifications, and the proposition teacher's water is also absolutely high. The knowledge integration and penetration force pay attention to professionalism and practicality.

                2. Different proposition methods and difficulties create different industry prospects.

                Generally speaking, the longer the existence time, the more saturated, the more emerging industries, and the more shortage of talents; There is no doubt about the shortage of Fire Engineers and the determination of the state to require certificates. At present, a series of national policies are heralding a bright future for Fire Engineers.

                Then, let's take a look at their salary!

                It is reported that the income market of first-class constructors is about 60000 to 80000 in three years; The salary of class II constructor is 3000-15000 / year, and the salary of class I constructor is 6000-20000 / month. However, the price of first-class registered Fire Engineers, whether full-time or part-time, is not cheap. The full-time salary of first-class Fire Engineers in first tier cities is about 180000-250000 / year, and the part-time salary is generally 60000-80000.

                After that, what would you choose?

                To sum up, which is the better prospect for Fire Engineers and builders? Which is more important, the passing rate of practice qualification examination and the gold content of certificate? These need to be considered in combination with their own situation. No matter which road you choose, you will have a bright future!



                Constructor: Certificate of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development

                Fireman: Certificate of the Ministry of public security



                Constructor: Grade I constructor will take the exam in September; Class II constructor may examination

                Firefighter: class I fire engineer, November examination; Secondary fire Engineer: about June (undetermined)


                Textbook worker

                Constructor: it is divided into major disciplines, such as architecture, municipal administration, electromechanical, railway, communication, water conservancy and highway

                Fireman: no matter which major you have, you can take the exam. Fire fighting doesn't have any major


                facility value

                Constructor: limited majors, engineering. It was easy to take the exam in previous years, but it has become more difficult in recent years

                Firefighter: the probability that people who are not in this major can pass is too low. Although there are only two pieces of content, there are many memory data, which tests your understanding ability. If you have the conditions, it is better to report to a training institution and have professional teachers for guidance, and the passing rate will increase.



                Constructor: the constructor examination has lasted for more than 10 years, but there is still a great market demand. The demand is there. Every construction company needs certificates, and individual professional fees are reduced a lot

                Firefighter: at present, there is a lack of fire engineer certificates in the market and there is a great market demand. We should seize the time to obtain the certificates. The earlier we get the certificates, the more valuable it will be! When the market demand is shrinking, or the market is saturated, your certificate is worthless.

                Firefighter: according to the statistics of relevant departments, there are about 200000 professional and technical personnel engaged in fire protection in China; However, according to the deputy director of the fire bureau of the Ministry of public security, China needs nearly 500000 registered Fire Engineers in the next 3-5 years. The actual employees are far from the market demand, and the lack of effective standardized management leads to uneven professional quality. Therefore, the industry has an urgent demand for high-quality, professional and professional fire protection professional and technical talents. Huge market demand, Certificate in short supply!