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                [share] Haikou announced six measures to curb the rise of house prices

                2018-08-23 14:38


                Haikou housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau announced on the evening of the 19th that the city has firmly compacted the main responsibility of local government regulation through six measures to firmly curb the rise of house prices.

                The six initiatives are:

                1、 Compaction responsibility, and strengthen the real estate regulation responsibilities of all departments at all levels. Strengthen the linkage mechanism of regulation and control and take responsibility at all levels; We will strengthen the responsibility of departments at all levels and establish an accountability mechanism for units and individuals with poor implementation.

                2、 No discount, strengthen the implementation of strict purchase restriction policy. According to the regulation and control policies issued by various departments at all levels in provinces and cities this year, ensure strict management, full implementation and implementation one by one.

                3、 Source control and strengthen the filing management of "one room, one price". If the price of the items on sale is falsely high, it is necessary to "look back" and readjust the filing price; For newly filed projects, the average online signing price of projects on sale in the same location, type and quality shall be compared, strictly managed and shall not be increased.

                4、 Strict control and severe punishment, strengthen market order and standardize rectification. Through full coverage, double random, irregular and special actions, we will seriously enforce market order, strengthen law enforcement and rectification, especially resolutely crack down on bid up house prices, illegal black intermediaries, fraudulent purchase of housing qualifications, false publicity and other acts.

                5、 Effective supply and strengthening the construction of multi-channel housing security system. We will accelerate the transformation of shantytowns, strengthen the construction of public rental housing, housing with common property rights and housing with restricted sales, and effectively meet the basic housing needs of local residents and new citizens.

                6、 Strengthen publicity, strengthen market expectation and reasonable guidance. Strengthen the positive publicity of the news, create a good atmosphere, guide the reasonable expectations of the market and eliminate the doubts of the masses.

                Previously, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development interviewed the main responsible comrades of the five municipal governments of Haikou, Sanya, Yantai, Yichang and Yangzhou on August 17. The interview pointed out that recently, house prices in some cities have risen too fast, which should be paid great attention. According to the interview requirements, we should comprehensively use economic, legal and necessary administrative means to regulate housing demand, promote the balance between supply and demand, effectively increase the effective supply of housing and land, seriously clean up and investigate the problems of covering the plate, covering the land, hoarding and speculation, vigorously rectify and standardize the market order, strengthen expectation management and public opinion guidance, severely crack down on speculation and curb the rise of house prices. It is worth noting that Haikou and Sanya have been interviewed by the Ministry of housing and urban rural development before May Day this year.

                According to the statistical data on the changes of commercial housing sales prices in 70 large and medium-sized cities released by the National Bureau of statistics, the month on month growth of new commercial housing in Haikou and Sanya has always been in the forefront in recent months.