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                Project volume
                Award-winning project
                Store distribution
                ABOUT AOLDERSION

                Aoldersion brand originated in the UK and headquartered in London, the capital of the UK. It is a high-tech enterprise that has long focused on the research and development of indoor environmental ventilation system. It has a number of patented technologies. It is the main manufacturer and distributor of environmental products in the European market. It is the leader of indoor environmental solutions in Europe. According to the R & D and manufacturing experience accumulated for decades, Committed to building the world's top air purification system and providing professional indoor comprehensive air treatment solutions for people who pay attention to life and health; The products are widely used, covering various fields such as industrial departments, colleges and universities, home furnishings, research institutes and material experimental institutions.
                ABOUT US

                Shanghai aoldersion Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., located in Shanghai with a registered capital of 10 million yuan, is a comprehensive technology enterprise integrating R & D design, manufacturing, product sales, installation and commissioning, goods and technology import and export business services. It is the only production and R & D base of indoor ventilation equipment in Asia Pacific authorized by British audson Technology Co., Ltd; We have established long-term strategic cooperative relations with enterprises in many regions, committed to solving environmental related problems and making great contributions to the cause of environmental protection. Adhering to the design concept, process technology and manufacturing standards of British aldson, the company has a strong team of technical experts in the field of environment, and has passed ISO9001 quality management system, ISO14001 environmental management system and a series of authoritative certifications including health and safety management certification and energy-saving certification, so as to create a series of more efficient, stable and energy-saving new fan products, Establish key environmental protection technologies, high-end products and core equipment that are sufficient for the Yangtze River Delta, facing the whole country and going to the world, become a provider of intelligent health solutions for domestic front-line technology enterprises, and create a comfortable, healthy, green and environmentally friendly humanized living space. In the future, as aldson implies, we will continue to carry out service innovation and technology accumulation, provide customers with the highest quality technical services, comprehensively improve customers' healthy life quality, and strive to create a healthy and comfortable living environment with constant temperature, humidity, oxygen, tranquility and cleanliness.
                CASE CENTER